The Difference You Feel When You Align With Your Purpose

Originally Posted March 29, 2020

I haven’t been able to fall asleep these past couple of weeks. A sentiment I imagine is echoed by many others. Though I have a feeling that my reason why may stand out.

I’m too energized.

Now I have to caveat this with a huge acknowledgement of the pain and suffering of so many people at this time. Things are extremely difficult, and there is a lot of fear and uncertainty. I am not glossing over that by any means.

Let me explain. My energy stems from the fact that these difficult conditions have affirmed my alignment with my life purpose. Faced with a challenge, I have been able to be resourceful, creative, and driven to continue living on purpose to lift up myself and my community. Having a clear reason for being allows us to be simultaneously grounded and nimble as our environments and circumstances change. Recognizing that when we are living a life of purpose, we are offering our unique impact on the world to help it expand and flourish. The array of possibilities for achieving this impact is endless once you are willing to ask and answer to yourself “why are YOU here?” In challenging times, aligning with our raison d’etre is what carries us through with compassion, direction, and energy.

Being on purpose doesn’t always mean being happy. It doesn’t mean that life is all of a sudden filled with only rainbows and butterflies. What it DOES mean is that the actions you are taking at any point in time, whether in moments of joy or moments of despair, are fully resonant with your core being. You are honoring values that you hold dear with your intentionality and forward movement. You aren’t bound by what others expect of you but by what you have challenged of yourself.

My life purpose is to fuel meaningful human connection. I have felt so inspired each day through countless phone calls, video chats, and messages with friends, colleagues, and clients. Everyone is going through a different struggle right now, and the glue that holds us all together is our metaphysical connection — reaching out with an open heart and open mind and being there with each other, even when we cannot physically be with.

These last several days have provided me with a tremendous opportunity to focus on what matters to me without the surface-level distractions that are so prevalent in our lives. I can only hope that you too are finding the light in the shadows and leaning into where you need to be, equipped with the knowledge that living your purpose will fill you up and bring meaning to your life.

I am peaceful and fulfilled as I recount how I have spent time in flow — getting the FaceTime tour of my friend’s new house while her toddler chattered happily alongside us, the video call with a colleague where we were able to share our worries and concurrently design a kickass workshop to help others realize their purpose, the call with a client who is stepping into their true power, and the conversation with a friend where we worked through a cover letter with the anticipation of her securing a position where she can live out her life purpose of bringing healing and compassion to others.

What has this tilt-a-whirl month brought you? I’d love to hear from you what you’ve learned about yourself in your current environment.


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